Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Passionate Love: How Do We Measure Love? verity of Couple love

Latest Update About Passionate Love: How Do We Measure Love? verity of Couple love :
How do we Measure LOVE? Elizabeth Barrett Browning asked a similar question:How do I love thee? Let me count the ways “ Social scientists have counted various ways.

Psychologist Robert Sternberg viewslove as a triangle whose three side (of varying length) are passion,intimacy and commitment.Drwing from ancient philophy and literure, sociologist John Alan Leeand psychologist Clyde Hendric and susan Hendric indentify thre primary love styles.— eros(passion) ludus and storge (Friendship)— Which like the primary colors , combine to form secondary love styles, Such as MANIA( a compound of eros and ludus). Pioneering love researcher Zick Rubin gave his love scale to hundreds of dating couples at the university of Michigan. He later invited to the laboratory couples whose scores suggested their relationship was either weak or strong.

While each couple awaited the session , observers behind a one-way mirror clocked the time they maintained eye contact. The “Weak-love” couples looked at one another less than the “Strong-love” couples , who gave themselves away by gazing into one anothers eyes.
Passionate love is emotional exciting, intense. Hafield (1988) define it as a state of intense longing for union with another. If reciprocated , one feels fulfilled and joyous ; If not one feels empty and despairing. Like other forms of emotional excitement , passonate love involves a mix of elation and gloom, tingling exhilaration and dejected misery.
As this definition implies people , can feel passionate love towards someone who evokes pain anxiety, and jealousy. Why? Romantic love sometimes seems not to follow the sensible principle that we like those who reward us dislike us and dislike those who cause us pain. Douglas Kenric and Robert Cialdini(1977 propose one possible answer:
While the loved one may cause pain and anxiety, the love also alleviates tose emotions. The lover triggers jealousy when with someone else ,Yet also offers ecstatic relief upon returning . Read more

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