Sunday, March 20, 2011

Big Love In America Watch Hot video

Tonight is the series finale of Big Love, one of the key shows of what we might call the HBO interregnum — the period after the first age group of drama hits went away (it was a year after the end of Six Feet Under and a year before the end of The Sopranos) and it seemed not capable to come up with new shows of the same collision. Big Love is sort of a intermediary show. It follows the model of those HBO successes: a stylish melodrama with a intelligence of humour and a commitment to performance the dark side of a distinctive TV genre (in this case, the family drama). But it got broader and soapier than they did, and seemed to use stories as descriptions for current issues almost in the way that science imaginary tale shows do. That’s a arrangement that True Blood would finally use, but Big Love debatably got wedged in the middle of that transition, never fairly sure if it necessary to be a serious drama or a crazy soap.

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