Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lisa Pavin

Latest News Update About Lisa Pavin : God gives popularity some people Who want to become popular And struggle heartedly. Those people must to thankful to God all life and pray Him, Mist be kind to others and not be proud.

Who is Lisa Pavin and why is she so popular?
She is the wife of golfer Corey Pavin and has become the most high-profile captain’s wife in the history of the Ryder Cup.
Even Lisa herself has no idea why. Well one answer is obvious: her racy magazine cover on Avid Golfer.
Wearing only a red, white and blue sheet, and a large crucifix in the photo surely was provocative but she says it was “about me being patriotic”.
Her public spats with members of the media also don’t exactly fit the traditional mold of a stay-in-the-background Ryder Cup captain’s wife either.
“It’s taken on a life of its own but I really don’t deserve this much attention,” the attractive 36-year-old says.
“I laugh because I think, ‘Wow, I haven’t done anything to have so many people talking about me.’”
“A lot’s been said about that photograph, but to me, I thought it was done in great taste,” says Corey. “I thought it was a beautiful picture and she’s a beautiful woman and I’m lucky to have her as my wife.”
He says her passion about the Ryder Cup has been misinterpreted. She says she wants to help “build the brand” of the Ryder Cup and of not wanting to be remembered as just a golfer’s wife.
“She loves the Ryder Cup because I love the Ryder Cup,” he says.
Lisa, the ambitious daughter of Vietnamese refugees who grew up in Iowa, isn’t one to shy away from the spotlight; in fact, she seems to be enjoying it.
She is very much involved in everything from the team uniforms to the selection of gifts for players and wives.

“She’s taking my passion for it for herself. We have the same goal in mind. We want to make this a great Ryder Cup for Team USA.”

Lisa Pavin, at the time, I do not think she got anything to apologize about.
“Everything has been blown way out of proportion,” she says.
She urged the cover shot for the Avid Golfer magazine just “me being patriotic.”
“It (photo) was very important to me – that’s why I hired a photographer to do this because I wanted to be tasteful,” she says. “And, look, PGA know about it, that everything is fine with them.

“If people were to actually read the article, they would see it on the internal Lisa Pavin, who had never been written about before, because I do not sit down and do an interview. I refused to so many interviews because it simply is not for me .

“My role is just to help Corey, to intervene wherever he needs me a step in.”

She was directly involved in everything from the command form of the selection of gifts for the players and their wives, with menus for the week with the decor in the U.S. numbers.
But Lisa Pavin said that her only task next week will “take care of my wife, make sure they have everything they need.”
This raises another question: Why did all that wags have such a prominent role in Ryder Cups?
“When I hear people say:” At the Ryder Cups, why his wife so infatuated? “I think:” Why do not they? “She said.
“Golf is a very individual sport, so at the end of the day, when you come home, your wife is your best friend, confidant, your lover, your a sports psychologist. My wife plays a very important role in the life of a golfer. I think as a large part of your wife’s team as a caddy.

‘So when people say that the wife of a more important role, well, yes, it is because we must. We play a very important role in the life of a golfer, and we will therefore play a very important role in (the U.S.) team .
Pavin is equally unapologetic about her spat with journalists.
Read More.

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