Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sandra Bullock Up For Lead In “Never Forget” Movie

Latest News Update About Sandra Bullock Up For Lead In “Never Forget” Movie: When a person tired and feel ugly from the daily work he want to some rest and entertainment. Watching movie is the best way for gain pleasure and entertainment. Some movies give us moral lesson, those are best of all movies. Those movies which make us dirty and vulgar, We should save us and our childern from those movies.

The film depicts a woman’s quest to “reimburse Holocaust survivors who were swindled out of their heir’s insurance policies by a European insurance company,” say unidentified tipsters who spilled the beans on the possible Bullock casting to Entertainment Weekly Tuesday.

Sandra Bullock has lined up a few projects after winning the Oscar last year for her performance in The Blind Side. The in-demand actress has signed on to star opposite Steve Carell in The Abstinence Teacher. Bullock will also appear in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close with Tom Hanks. And Universal hopes to recreate the chemistry she had with Ryan Reynolds in The Proposal by developing a romantic comedy for the duo to star in currently titled Most Wanted. Now, EW is reporting that Bullock has received an offer to star in Screen Gems’ Never Forget. The film is loosely based on director Robby Kushner’s documentary On Moral Grounds, which depicts “one woman’s quest to reimburse Holocaust survivors who were swindled out of their heir’s insurance policies by a European insurance company.”

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