Friday, October 1, 2010

6 Sensational Facts To Extend Your Sexual Stamina Tonight

Latest News Update About 6 Sensational Facts To Extend Your Sexual Stamina Tonight: For many men around the world, premature ejaculation is a curse that puts the brakes on their sex lives. Yet many mistakenly think that PE is a form of sexual disease or illness. It is not. On the contrary, premature ejaculation is often caused by psychological factors. Studies have consistently shown that anxiety and stress are behind most cases of PE.
Here are six critically important points you should keep in mind if you find yourself routinely anxious about sex and climax prematurely.
You Are Not Alone!
Far from it! In fact, as many as seventy percent of men have to deal with this issue at some point in their lives. It is perfectly normal and there is nothing wrong with you. Throughout the history of mankind, men have always been anxious about their ability to perform in bed.
Men Are Not Hardwired To Last
If your idea of sex is what you see in those adult films, it is time to change your mindset. Those movies are meant to titillate your senses; they are unreal in terms of the actors’ ability to last. The average man only need to last the duration it takes for a woman to orgasm – minutes, not hours!
Practice Is The Mother Of All Success
Practice is under-rated in many areas of our lives. We all want an instant cure to all our problems. That is why you see things like desensitizing products that claim to cure your PE problem, when in fact those stuff only act as “band-aids.” There is no shortcut to preventing an early climax and prolonging intercourse. Learning the proper techniques is the KEY to lasting longer.
Foreplay Is The Quintessential Factor To Sensational Sex (And Lasting Longer)
Prolonging your foreplay duration can have an incredible impact on how long you last, and ultimately how much both of you will enjoy the lovemaking. Did you know that in most sexual health surveys, the top complaint that women have about their partners is not having enough foreplay?
Why do women crave foreplay so much? Well, it has to do with how their sexual cycle functions. You see, unlike men, women are slow to warm up during sex. Thus the prelude to intercourse is incredibly important in getting them emotionally-ready and sexually-charged. The right amount of foreplay can get her primed for an orgasm the moment intercourse begins. And it can give you a lot more confidence in the sack when you see her sexually aroused and clearly enjoying your company. This kind of confidence can do a whole lot of good to your sexual endurance.
Why “Squeeze” Techniques Are NOT Ideal
Squeezing the tip of your penis glans (or head) when you are about to climax can help to a certain extent. But it is NOT the ideal solution. It breaks the momentum during sex. Imagine your girl having a great time and then you have to suddenly stop the action. It can frustrate your partner. It can be used as a tactic of last resort to stem an impending orgasm. But if you are looking to rely on such “emergency tactics” every time, sex will not be as enjoyable and fulfilling as it should be!
When All Else Fails, There Is Always Another Time!
Rome was not built in a day. The same goes with improving your sexual endurance. Take each sexual encounter as a learning experience. Learn what it takes to control your sexual arousal. Learn your partner’s “sexual landscape” and how you can use that to your advantage to please her without blowing early. And when you accidentally spill, try to see the lighter side of things – there is always another time!
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