Monday, November 15, 2010

Rules Of How To Sacrificing an Animal on Eid-ul-Adhaa,What Quran And Holy Prophet Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him) tought Muslims.

Latest Knowledge Update About Rules Of How To Sacrificing an Animal on Eid-ul-Adhaa,What Quran And Holy Prophet Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him) Tought Muslims:Praise be to Allah, the Lord and Sustainer of the world and may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his family and friends.
Allah Subhanahu wa Thrush Ta’alaa says in al-Hajj:
“To every nation We religious ceremonies, which may indicate the name of Allah over the cattle that had given him to eat. And your God is one God (Allah), so you have to submit to him. And give glad tidings Mukhbitin (those who obey Allah with humility and humility of the true believers) “[al-Hajj (22): 34).
"I call the name of Allah over the cattle" in verse refers to animal sacrifice on Eid ul-Adha, the Sunnah of the Prophet Ibrahim (peace and blessings be upon him) and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
Stronger opinion scholar who is more proven is that the sacrifice of Eid-ul-Adha is mandatory, because Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alaa says:
"To every nation We religious ceremonies, which may indicate the name of Allah over the cattle that had given him to eat. And your God is a God, and you must submit to Him (in Islam) ..." [Al-Hajj (22): 34]
And Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’alaa says:
Therefore turn in prayer to the Lord and sacrifice. (Al-Kawther 108:2)
And Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) says that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Anyone who can afford to sacrifice, but it is not, let it not come in Near our house of prayer. “(Reported by Ahmad and Ibn Maajah. Classed as saheeh by Ibn al-Hafiz Haakim Hajri said in Fath al-Baar said his men thiqaat).
Anyone intending to carry out the slaughter of Eid-ul-Adha to certain rules. These rules may summerised into four main categories:
Rules on animal sacrifice
The rules relating to the person offering
The rules governing the period of sacrifice
Rules on meat and other parts of the sacrifice
Rules on animal sacrifice
1: A fact that animals must be approved by the Shari’ah of animals, as Allah says;
“To every nation We religious ceremonies, which may indicate the name of Allah over the cattle that had given him to eat. And your God is a God, and you must submit to Him (in Islam) …” [Al-Hajj 10:34 p.m.]
Allah Subhanahu wa-Ta’alaa describes thrush in al-An’am:
Eight pairs of sheep two (male and female) and goats two (male and female). Al-An’am 143
And camels, two (male and female) and two oxen (male and female). [Al-An'am (6): 144]
Sheep and goats are used as a service and is sufficient for a household;
Abu al Ayyoob Ansaree (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “At the time of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings be upon him) sheep to sacrifice on behalf of themselves and members of his household, and they would eat and put a few others. “(Narrated by Ibn Maajah and al-Tirmidhi, classed as saheeh)
A camel or a cow can be shared by seven people, because the report narrated Jaabir (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:. “We sacrificed at al-Hudaybiyah Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), a camel for seven and a cow in seven” Narrated Muslim
2: an animal has reached the required age;
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said. “Not everything, but an adult animal, where it is difficult for you, in this case, we can defeat six months old lambs (jadh’ah) Narrated by Muslim.
One year for a goat or sheep.
Two years in a cow.
Five years on the camel.
3: Beast is no obvious defects;
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “There are four that will not do for sacrifice: a one-eyed animal whose defect is obvious, a sick animal whose sickness is obvious, a lame animal whose limp is obvious and starved animals, not in his bone marrow. “(Saheeh, Saheeh al-Jaam ‘, Sun 886).
There are milder defects that do not disqualify an animal, but it is makrooh sacrifice animals as an animal with a horn or ear missing, or an animal with slits in his ears, etc.
4: Animal is a wholly owned, that the sacrifice has not been stolen or violence, the co-ownership or held in pledge.
5: e An animal can not be sold or given away once selected and purchased by the victim, not a substitute for something better. If the animal is born, your offspring are sacrificed to him.
The rules relating to the person offering
1: Being a Muslim:
The sacrifice of Eid-ul-Adha is an act of “AA Ibaadah not received from non-Muslim.
2: A not remove any hair or nails for ten days Zhul-Hijjah:
It is important that the person intends to sacrifice that he / she will no hair, nails or skin from the sun on the last day of Zhul-Qa’dah offer until the victim is made on the day of Eid.
Umm-Salamah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If you see new moon Zhu’l-Hijjah, and if anyone of you wants to sacrifice, do not remove some of his hair or nails until he offered his sacrifice. “Narrated Muslim
This hadith is reported by all the famous muhadditheen Unlike al-Bukhari.
3: If e defeat of their own hands:
It is a sunnah. Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings be upon him) his defeat with his own hands and his companions did the same, because there is a great reward in it.
Even if you are unable to do so they can defeat the other to his / her name to make, in this case, one witness defeat, if at all possible, because the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said to his daughter Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with him): “O Fatimah get to witness your victims,” Al-Al-Mosooat Faqhayyah.
Here it is important to note. Although the defeat of the people of the book is acceptable for us to eat, can not be named until Eid ul-Adha sacrifice, for it is the act of “AA Ibaadah not received from non-Muslim.
4: e Deliberately:
This is a necessary condition for the victim, the animal is slaughtered with the intention to sacrifice (udhiyah). The aim must be the heart, and may not be high.
5: e in the name of Allah at the time of slaughter.
One should not say Allahu akbar Bismillaah and at slaughter, as Anas (Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) slaughtered two rams with his own hands, and said Bismillaah and Allahu Akbar. ” Reported al-Bukhaari, 7 / 130, no. 5554, a Muslim, 3 / 1556, no. 1966; Ahmad, 3 / 115: e
Say: “Bismillah Allahu Akbar” is not intended, and that does not mean the intention to speak aloud.
The rules governing the period of sacrifice
The time for offering sacrifice begins after sunrise to one tenth Zhul-Hijjah and lasts until sunset on the thirteenth Zhu’l-Hijjah. But it is necessary to compel the victim to take place after the Eid prayer on Eid al-Adha.
l-Bara ‘ibn’ Aazib (Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever defeats (his sacrifice) before the prayer, the meat that led to his family, but it is not a victim. “Al-Bukhari
And Ibn al-Jundub Bajali Sufyan (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:”. Who hit the victim before he prays, let him replace other “Al-Bakhari
Scholars agree that the victim was not the first day is blessed by Allah says:
“A race for forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise as wide as heaven and earth, prepared for Al-Lo-Aale’Imraan: 133.
Rules on meat and other parts of the sacrifice
Eating meat on the day of Eid sacrifice:
Buraydah (Allah be pleased with him) said: Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) not to go for one day (Eid) al-Fitr until he had eaten, and not to eat that day (Eid ) al Adha until he came back because her about his victims. Ahmad said
It is recommended to divide the meat into three: the third of the diet, the third is given as a gift, and the third should be given in love. It was the opinion of Ibn Mas’ud and Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with them).
No part of the meat can be sold or given away as payment:
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever sells the skin of his udhiyah udhiyah not for him (ie, it does not count as udhiyah) (classified as hasan in Saheeh al-Jaam ‘, 6118) ..
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