Saturday, March 12, 2011


DOES EJACULATION ACTUALLY CUT DOWN THE LIFETIME OF MEN?:Taoists, for them sexuality was an integral part of health, performed various sexual exercises, planned to facilitate an ejaculationless orgasm, as they discovered that male ejaculation drains their lifeforce, or as they call it – chi. Western perception agrees with them. Athletes have long since been aware of the feeling of limitation and numbness overcoming them after the ejaculation, so they typically skip any kind of bedroom tricks the night before an event, artists follow their example. Trumpeter Miles Davis once said that he is willing to fight Mohammed Ali, if the latter has just ejaculated. The French have an omnious look for orgasm – le petit mort, little death.
In his lifetime a man ejaculates more than a quintillion sperms

Simple mathematics can help you understand why a simple ejaculation presents such a burden to our body. An average ejaculation consists of 50 to 250 million sperms and an average man has around five thousand ejaculations in his natural life. Any factory producing such quantities needs material, and in this case the material is you. Your body assumes that a new life is being made every time you ejaculate. Many animal and vegetal kinds begin to dye away after reproduction. Salmon dies shortly after spawning. Seed plants die away or go into hibernation, but if we prevent them from growing seeds they live longer. Men do not die after ejaculation, but maybe the laws of nature apply to us also.

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