Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bbdc (Beta BBDC, Part 1)

Latest News Update About Bbdc (Beta BBDC, Part 1): The time we spent at The Cheesecake Factory was, in a word, rich. Period. That’s the only word that describes our all-too-short time together. The smiles and laughs were in plentiful supply, the food was incredible, and durable bonds were formed.

However, I’m not getting paid on this blog to write, and you and I both know readers only care about pictures, so I’ll dispense with the review get on to the eye candy.

Wow, what a fantastic meeting. We made fast friends with our helpful waiter, shared appetizers and engaging conversation, and now we’ve each added a worthy entry to our “have actually met in real life” list. The decision to invite online friends to IRL-land is almost always one that pays off well, and tonight was no exception.

The astute few who read this blog might be asking yourself a question by this time. A question that’s been nagging you since you started reading my post.

I understand completely, and you got me. You might wonder about the title of this post and ask yourself “what is BBDC?” I’m so glad you asked! I was so busy showing off the pictures that I forgot to explain what that term means. BBDC is a blogger meetup that BlondeBlogger (BB) is planning for later this year in DC. The date and exact location is still TBD, so follow her on twitter to find out more. If you’re anywhere near the area or can come to town during the specified time, be sure to plan for it as it’s going to be a ton of fun.

So now you know about BBDC. However, I feel like I’m forgetting something.

I’d expected the cheesecake at a place called “The Cheesecake Factory” to be good, but I wasn’t expecting the incredible and amazingly rich perfection that was delivered to our table. I ordered the Banana Cream Cheesecake, with a la mode and it was WORTH it. If you’ve had it – you know what I’m talking abot. If you haven’t had it, you should.
BlondeBlogger had the Adam’s Peanut Butter cheesecake, which looked positively inviting. It took a lot of self-discipline to not just swipe it away and keep it to myself, but I was able to get through it thanks to my own order.

Alright, I appreciate you reading through this far.
Now that I’m retelling the night’s activities, I seem to recall that someone else might have been there with us. Give me a second, for sometimes I’m terrible with names and stuff.
OH! I know!
Wait, no.. I had it there for a minute, but then I lost it.
*light bulb*, NOW I remember. A guy named Super Shiny Man joined us, and also… Sorry about that guys, I wish I could remember more of what went on or whatever. I’m kind of spacing here. Let me check my camera again, because who knows, I might have a picture or something.
Ah, here we go.
Here’s the Shiny guy (is that even his name?)

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